All in Mental Health

Mental Health in the Workplace (yes, again)

Promoting positive mental health in the workplace has become a primary concern for employers globally. Employers can ensure they are promoting mental health in the workplace by:

  • Assessing their level of support for mental health in the workplace.

  • Creating a culture of openness about workplace pressures and mental health

  • Reviewing all workplace policies/procedures and workload distributions.

  • Measuring employee mental health and work through employee surveys.

Same *Pandemic* Different Year

Here we are, a new year and the same lingering, ongoing uncertainties are still here disrupting and affecting our daily lives. Even the most positive of people are having trouble calling the cup ‘half full.’ However, acknowledging the downside is important in order to move into a different frame of mind.

Self-Care – Is it There?

Put on ‘one hat’ at a time whenever possible. Some of the best ideas, problem-solving and self-care strategies come when the screens are put down. Watch a comedy. Happily yell “Excellent!” when you spill your coffee. Set up an awesome long-term workstation for yourself. I dare you to put a little salmon oil in your protein shake. Don’t suffer alone if you need more support – call your Doctor.